The works to build Cameleon’s third center on Negros island are in progress. They were kicked off in March 2018 and will last until March 2019. This new foster house will allow Cameleon to welcome 40 additional girls aged from 5 to 23, victims of sexual violence, who will be supported and cared by the association.

The house will be built on a 8000-m² ground granted by Silay city hall and will comprise several buildings:

Building 1: Foster house: dormitories and bathrooms for children, rooms for the supervising staff and the founder, living room, canteen and kitchen, study room, therapy room, office of social workers and housemothers, art studio, storage and open courtyard.

Building 2: Offices of the Director, administrative and financial staff, meeting room, media library, clinic, dormitory for volunteers who will come to support the team.

Outbuildings: Dance hall / theater (“Mariposa Hall”), playground, guardian’s guard station who will ensure children’s safety in the Foster House, chauffeur / maintenance man’s room, laundry, car park, water tank, access road.

Below are some pictures showing the construction of this new center, taking shape little by little.

Building 1

From March to July 2018, works are going well: dining room, entrance, girls dormitories, Director’s room, staff room and therapy room. Everything is almost done and will be ended by late October.


March 2018
Digging and start of the foundations

April 2018


June 2018
Construction of walls, plumbing works and finishing touches on walls

July 2018
Concrete floor preparation and screeding

August 2018
Final touches on walls and installation // Welding of the steel frame

September 2018
Roof setup and floor tiling in the entrance

Building 1 when ended

Building 2

Office and clinic’s construction works were kicked off in June 2018 and will be ended by late March 2018.


June 2018
Delimitation of the construction space dedicated to the office and the clinic, start of the foundations

July 2018
Start of the construction of walls and concrete floor screeding

September 2018
Final touches on the walls

Building 2 when finished


Last but not least, the construction of the Mariposa hall, the laundry, the guardian’s guard station, the car park and the access road will be kicked off in September 2018 and will be ended by late March 2019.

Official opening scheduled in April 2019 and arrival of 20 girls in May 2019! In the meantime, CAMELEON, will regularly report on the works’ progresses.