“I have been the godmother of a CAMELEON girl of 20 years old for a year now, and more recently, and for a month now, of a little girl of 10 years old, newcomer to the Center. It’s my sister Géraldine, an active volunteer in Switzerland, who shared her experience with me […]. I have been seduced by the human size of the Association as well as the visible commitment of the teams.

Very quickly after I became a sponsor, I offered to sponsor at my work place, the Council of Europe, a FRONTIERES photo exhibition for the benefit of the Organization. On this occasion, I had the chance to meet Laurence Ligier. Being able to talk to her, […] comforted me in my approach and also convinced some of my colleagues! […] It gives me great pleasure to write to my godchildren. To know they are expecting my letters motivates me, and I cherish this special bond built over time […] I feel privileged.

What about my projects? Organizing a “Christmas Market” at my workplace to benefit the organization, keeping on talking about CAMELEON around me, and in the long run and on a more personal note, going to meet my godchildren with my sister one day! I wish to see them grow, to blossom, and to have a happy and free woman’s life.”