Photography Exhibit FRONTIERES

The photography exhibit

The Photography Exhibit : FRONTIERES is the result of a collaboration between the photographer Pedro Lombardi and CAMELEON association. During the month of May 2014, the photographer shared the daily life of girls in the Philippines. There he captured the sadness and the emotion but above all the strength, the joy of living and the solidarity of all these girls who, like the chameleon, continue to advance by adapting despite the obstacles. The girls are at the center of the exhibition, both subjects and objects. The exhibition is placed under the sign of the authenticity, nothing is put, the report to the girls is crude and direct, without intermediary.

I have rarely been so moved by the vital force of the eyes of these girls

Pedro Lombardi, photographer


The theme of borders naturally emerges from the photos. Their structures translate this omnipresent problematic into the lives of young girls. It is not only a symbolic frontier between being and becoming, but a whole that unfolds as exposure unfolds: between fear and trust, the individual and the group, the masculine and the the feminine, the child and the adult, …

But any boundary, whether physical or psychological, can be crossed and it is this message of hope that emerges from the exhibition. These young girls are at the crossroads, they seek and thrive by managing to overcome their limits. This exhibition highlights young girls on the wire, still unstable and threatening to stumble on their past. But it also shows us young women who take risks to overcome social, psychological and physical barriers.

Organized in courses, 40 photos retrace the reconstruction of young girls CAMELEON. They are the testimony of a broken childhood that re-learns to live and to trust despite
the injustices of life.

One is disturbed, one wonders, the emotion is omnipresent among the clichés. As in the photos, the viewer is at the border.

All dates and venues of the exhibition tour since 2015!

Support us

You can help us bring this exhibition to life :

  • by offering us a place for the exhibition in Paris or in the countryside. 
  • by giving us a hand for the organization of the events.

We would like to thank all the volunteers and supporters of CAMELEON for their commitment in the event’s organisation and for the warm welcome!

You would like to welcome the exhibition FRONTIERES?
Contact us!

01 43 22 35 92