Community Development
Goal: Supporting the education of underprivileged children as well as the development of families and
of rural communities.
Goal: Raising awareness amongst populations, local and national authorities in order to prevent child sexual abuse and mistreatment.
Community Development Program
Goal: Supporting the education of underprivileged children as well as the development of families and rural communities.
CAMELEON developed a sponsorship program to send underprivileged children aged from 14 to 24 years old to school (80% of girls and 20% of boys.) Families can also be accompanied by following training courses. Changing the mentality of all family members and empowering the beneficiaries will create a positive impact on the child/adolescent, their family and their community. This will thus decrease domestic violence in general and sexual abuse especially upon children. Education and training allow change.
Children (girls and boys) aged from 14 year s old up to 24 years old Local populations (young people, families, communities…)
13 villages around Passi
Average duration
2 to 10 years
Passi, San Enrique, Bingawan
Cost per beneficiary for this program: 800€
The organization allows children to go to school, and students to get a higher education or a professional training.

Medical follow-up and monitoring provided (healthcare, vaccination, hospitalization, medical treatments, dental care, information on diseases, appropriate hygiene practices, sex education, etc.)
Development of autonomy
Professional training courses for young people and their parents in the technical schools or in CAMELEON’s Learning Center in Iloilo (IT, English, cooking, sewing, resume writing, mock job interviews, etc.) Help with the development of micro-projects. Support and counseling for an effective job research.
Family Guidance
CAMELEON helps with the implementation of personal micro-projects generating an income by offering parents an initial technical training. The organization teaches and reminds parents their duties and responsibilities as such, trains them to have appropriate parenting practices and skills, parent/children relationships and moral values.
Parents are contributing up to 30% of the additional expenses related to their children’s schooling (class or day trips, excursions…)
Emergency Aid
Assistance to the most underprivileged families in the event of bereavement or accident provided (food aid and emergency aid.)
Assistance in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of housing and other accommodations following natural disasters provided.
Further Information
The organization arranges program monitoring monthly meetings with parent representatives in the 13 villages involved.
2019 Key Figures
« Without CAMELEON, I could not study in appropriate conditions. My family encounters too many financial difficulties. CAMELEON helps us, not only by bearing the costs of my studies, but also by helping to repair my house. » Read more
– Ella, 17 years old,
second year of College.
Advocacy Program
Goal: Raising awareness amongst populations, local and national authorities in order to prevent child sexual abuse and mistreatment.
CAMELEON is also an advocate of Children’s Rights. Information campaigns aimed at the population and authorities are regularly organized by CAMELEON’s staff. Through prevention, CAMELEON is striving to put a stop to the vicious circle of abuse faced by the young girls the organization is now taking care of.
Local populations, local authorities, civil society, institutions, medias…
Region VI of the Philippines (Western Visayas), Panay Island and Negros Island. Manila (capital.)
Total Budget of the program: 50 000€

Basic health education (organization of a Health Day, sessions for parents and community leaders, conferences, screening tests and prevention of diseases, STD prevention, learning of appropriate sexual practices as well as the norms for hygiene and nutrition, First Aid training, Young Health facilitator training.)
Raising awareness and Prevention
Defense and promotion of Children’s Rights towards families and local authorities (setting up of an information program, training of 45 “Young ambassadors” for Children Rights, drafting of a local charter of Children’s Rights with the municipalities, mobilization of social services, of both non-governmental and governmental organizations, of businesses, of training and educational institutes, contacting local media for CAMELEON events, etc).
CAMELEON also signed a partnership agreement with the city of Passi to create a Healthcare Center dedicated to sexual education towards teenagers in order to avoid teen pregnancies and STDs.
Circus is an integral part of CAMELEON programs. This practice is considered therapeutical as it is rewarding, empowering, and allows children to bloom, experience wellness, have fun and build a positive image of themselves. Performances are organized with young female beneficiaries in order to raise awareness of CAMELEON’s causes. The children’s enthusiasm and positive experience deliver a strong message.
Providing support to families
Parenting Education actions (seminars and training courses for parents and local communities.) Teaching parents their responsibilities and duties.
Voice of CAMELEON Children (VCC) or Young Ambassadors of Children’s Rights
In 2014, the organization also set up the Voice of CAMELEON Children (VCC) or Young Ambassadors of Children’s Rights. Young beneficiaries of the Rehabilitation (In-House), Post-Residential, and Community Development programs received a training in public speaking in order to be able to spread CAMELEON’s message in schools and public places. Their role is to explain the significance of Children’s Rights to local populations and communities, a notion that most children and parents in the Philippines are not aware of. Thanks to their 14 interventions in schools and public places, these 30 Young Ambassadors informed 12.500 young people about Children’s Rights and the issue that represents sexual abuse. Local government representatives, teachers and parents are also informed by VCC about mistreatment, sexual abuse, parenthood and parenting. They take part in the reduction of abuse and mistreatment in the region, and encourage victims to report them. Who would be better advocates for Children’s Rights than children themselves? Young Ambassadors or Child Advocates of Children’s Rights are thus a precious means of communication for CAMELEON.
CAMELEON Youth Health Advocates (CYHA) or the Young Ambassadors of Health
On the same model as the VCC, a group of Young Ambassadors of Health called the CYHA (CAMELEON Youth Health Advocates) was created in 2015. The members are also young beneficiaries, boys and girls from 15 to 19 years old who were trained by CAMELEON’s nurse on themes like health and sexuality. Their goal is to raise awareness by reaching and training as many people as possible in communities and villages, whether they are children, adolescents or adults. The 25 young Health Advocates organize campaigns and conferences for communities about health, family planning and sex education. They use the Forum theatre to raise awareness about teen pregnancy amongst teenagers. They also directed a movie called “LINGON” to promote appropriate health practices. In partnership with the Red Cross, they organized a Health Youth Congress. Their role was to limit the cases of teen pregnancies and to inform young people about STDs. Through the creation of CYHA and VCC, CAMELEON wishes to involve young beneficiaries so they can take their destiny in their own hands and become role models for other teenagers. Our role is to prevent the next generation from repeating the same mistakes and offences perpetrated by their parents or their grandparents.
2019 Key Figures
« As Young Ambassadors, our role is to help raise awareness but also to fight against those crimes which are alarming by their number. Help us to put an end to those issues. Help us to listen to these children and to protect younger generations. »
– Elvie, President of the CAMELEON Young Ambassadors Organization Committee