Sponsor a child from Asia with CAMELEON

Sponsor a child from Asia with CAMELEON

CAMELEON is an international solidarity association with the goal of helping sexually abused and disadvantaged children. Would you like to support a child born in a country where 47,5% of the population live with less than 1,12$/day? Then become a sponsor with...


Coralie, belgian volunteer and sponsor for 12 years, se surpass herself for CAMELEON. Her association with DANCE4CHILDREN, Coralie has organized from A to Z a “BOOTCAMP” for the benefit of CAMELEON. Literally, a “bootcamp” is...
Sponsor a child with CAMELEON

Sponsor a child with CAMELEON

CAMELEON is an international solidarity association with the goal of helping sexually abused and disadvantaged children. Would you like to support a child born in a country where 47,5% of the population live with less than 1,12$/day?Then become a sponsor with CAMELEON...